Minutes: Beth and MaryAnn attended the California Mathematics Council-Northern Section Board Meeting-February 7, 2015 at the Hilton Sonoma Wine Country, Santa Rosa. 9:00 a.m.-3:00
CMCN is the agency that organizes and puts on the Asilomar Math Conference each December in Monterey. http://cmc-math.org/conferences/cmc-north/
Introductions: Officers of the CMCN board introduced themselves, as did all attendees from No. CA CMC affiliates.
Opening Activity: Rebecca “ A candy jar contains 5 Jolly Ranchers and 13 jawbreakers. If there was a candy jar with the same proportion of candies and there were 100 JRs, how many JBs would you have? Explain in a variety of ways.” A detailed conversation about how to get students to fully develop the concept of proportional relationships and how to represent them, and to predict what common errors might need to be planned for.
This activity segued into a new book, Principals to Action, Ensuring Mathematics Success for All from NCTM
The book offers guidance to all math ed stakeholders. The intent of looking at this book today as a call to action-do more in class and spread the word about best practices.
Report from State Board: Rita- reports are available on CMCN’s website. Boards are especially motivated to keep membership growing.
Other Asilomar Business/reflections April
Affiliate Report outs: see link at http://cmc-math.org/cmc-organization/cmc-north/#northaffiliates to get details on the NorCAL math affiliates.
12:00 p.m. Lunch
Asilomar 2014 debrief: Board Chairs reported out:
Vendors: all but 2 showed up, hall was full and busy. Need a hat/t-shirt vendor. (Chris)
Registration: There are a lot of volunteers to check in, and it sometimes gets a little confusing. (Rita)
Program: Keynoters and sessions were great Saturday. 175 sessions 1539 attendees 12 and 23 rooms at the MS and Asilomar. Next year there will be sessions for a make-it-take-it and for pre service teachers. STEM & math modeling are also needed.
Ignite sessions are ongoing for the next year before the President’s party Sat. night.
Working on on-line evals, and social media. Committee was a group of 6 to help.
Only 3 presenters cancelled. Very smooth overall. (Ana)
Conference and Speaker Evals: low number of online conf. entries. Send blast to remind with the link. QR codes got 300+ for the speakers. Attendees would like a direct link to presenters materials.
NCTM Book Table: 46% increase in sales- books were linked to program, and books were carefully chosen by best sellers in the national catalogue.
Membership: 1500 is about 1/3 elem 1/3 middle and 1/3 high
2015 CMC-N Board meeting dates
Grants: very few people apply up to $500 is easy for teachers to get.
Next Meeting: May 30, 2015
3:00 p.m. Adjourn
CMCN is the agency that organizes and puts on the Asilomar Math Conference each December in Monterey. http://cmc-math.org/conferences/cmc-north/
Introductions: Officers of the CMCN board introduced themselves, as did all attendees from No. CA CMC affiliates.
Opening Activity: Rebecca “ A candy jar contains 5 Jolly Ranchers and 13 jawbreakers. If there was a candy jar with the same proportion of candies and there were 100 JRs, how many JBs would you have? Explain in a variety of ways.” A detailed conversation about how to get students to fully develop the concept of proportional relationships and how to represent them, and to predict what common errors might need to be planned for.
This activity segued into a new book, Principals to Action, Ensuring Mathematics Success for All from NCTM
The book offers guidance to all math ed stakeholders. The intent of looking at this book today as a call to action-do more in class and spread the word about best practices.
Report from State Board: Rita- reports are available on CMCN’s website. Boards are especially motivated to keep membership growing.
Other Asilomar Business/reflections April
Affiliate Report outs: see link at http://cmc-math.org/cmc-organization/cmc-north/#northaffiliates to get details on the NorCAL math affiliates.
12:00 p.m. Lunch
Asilomar 2014 debrief: Board Chairs reported out:
Vendors: all but 2 showed up, hall was full and busy. Need a hat/t-shirt vendor. (Chris)
Registration: There are a lot of volunteers to check in, and it sometimes gets a little confusing. (Rita)
Program: Keynoters and sessions were great Saturday. 175 sessions 1539 attendees 12 and 23 rooms at the MS and Asilomar. Next year there will be sessions for a make-it-take-it and for pre service teachers. STEM & math modeling are also needed.
Ignite sessions are ongoing for the next year before the President’s party Sat. night.
Working on on-line evals, and social media. Committee was a group of 6 to help.
Only 3 presenters cancelled. Very smooth overall. (Ana)
Conference and Speaker Evals: low number of online conf. entries. Send blast to remind with the link. QR codes got 300+ for the speakers. Attendees would like a direct link to presenters materials.
NCTM Book Table: 46% increase in sales- books were linked to program, and books were carefully chosen by best sellers in the national catalogue.
Membership: 1500 is about 1/3 elem 1/3 middle and 1/3 high
2015 CMC-N Board meeting dates
Grants: very few people apply up to $500 is easy for teachers to get.
Next Meeting: May 30, 2015
3:00 p.m. Adjourn