Meeting date: 5/10/14
Rebecca Lewis did opening activity:
· Toothpick activity 24 toothpicks....k-12 grade level/family
o students communicate around Practice standard #1, critical thinking, abstract to paper and pencil only, dealing with ambiguity (see #8) vocabulary: Move vs remove also at
CMCN President April Goodman-Orcutt posted the agenda and it was approved/seconded by the group./ and followed assidusously
Treasurer’s Report (Brian Lim) was accepted, most cash flow involves the Asilomar math conference in December each year. Budget is in the 300K range. Proposed budget was accepted.
Secretary’s report: Rita Nutch: CMC all state meeting was May 9.
· 1st issue: how to support affiliates in all 11 regions in CA. Successful affiliates have strong County Office of Ed.
· 2nd issue: political/state issues: Bill in state assembly for computer science class; HS class being proposed to count for math credit
· 3rd: awards are being under-applied for is the site to check out to nominate. Presidential Award, PAEMST is an example.
· 4th SB 484 Supt. Torlakson will have the option to add more testing to SBAC if the CA dept of Ed wishes to.
· 5th CDE is working on a Library (SNE) of good, searchable standards-based lessons.
CMC’s Math at Home book will shift from Sonoma Office of Ed, to CMC. It will be updated to fit CCSS. Revisions are underway. Paul Gigante is heading the project.
NCTM rep report: Mary Ann Sheridan showed what she learned at the latest NCTM conference and showcased her live binder “CSM 2014 Treasures” to walk us through her first binders. The CCSSM live binder is a wealth of resources.
Group share-out on SBAC: Scheduling and tech worked well. Send feedback to to give full feedback to CA admin.
Great ignite talks here
Books were donated by Robert Prescott to the affiliates to take back to their members.